
Huayi Chem

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About Us

Shandong Huayi Chemical Co., Ltd. was established in May 2022, with a registered capital of 120 million yuan, the company is located in the west section of Hongtai Street, Linpan Street, Linyi County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, covering an area of more than 760 acres. The company's business scope is: chemical products production; Warehousing of refined oil products; Wholesale of refined oil, production of hazardous chemicals. The main products are: n-butane, isobutane, propane, light aromatics, liquefied petroleum gas, industrial isooctane, methanol, MTBE, ether after carbon four, gasoline, sulfuric acid. The company currently has a total of more than 300 employees, with many years engaged in petrochemical production, research and development, management of professional and technical personnel and management personnel as the backbone, with rich production and operation experience, high comprehensive literacy, college degree or above personnel up to more than 60%, for product quality improvement and market development to provide a strong guarantee.
The company's total assets of 1.465 billion yuan, 200,000 tons / aromatic refining, annual output of gasoline 40 tons, n-butane 26,000 tons, isobutane 76,000 tons, no sewage in the production process.
The company's organizational structure is perfect and the management system is sound. According to the requirements of the modern enterprise system, combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, there are safety, production, supply and marketing, finance, administrative and other departments, and the division of labor of employees is clear and the responsibilities are in place.
Companies adhere to the "equality and mutual benefit, honesty and trustworthiness, quality first" business principles, always "strength for survival, reputation and development" for the business belief, willing to provide customers with better quality, more professional services, to create a better tomorrow.
Step into HUALUXE and master cutting-edge information; Join HUALUXE and bloom your life!

Contact us

    » Address: Linpan Industrial Park, Linyi County, Shandong Province
    » Tel: +86-534-4288676
    » Fax: +86-534-4280291 
    » Marketing Tel: +86-534-4422666 
    » Marketing Fax: +86-534-4591777
    » E-mail:sales@sdhuayihuagong.com

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